Shipping speed

UrbanVirsa.com provides deliveries worldwide (except Cuba, Iran, Crimea, Syria, and North Korea). Most of the items are shipped from USA; however there are a few products which are manufactured and shipped from other parts of the world.

Depending on the shipping address, the time of the delivery and shipping fee will vary as well. 

  • Domestic Delivery (USA): 4 - 7 days
  • Express Shipping (International): 7 - 14 days

Is shipping available for all countries?


Once we have received and accepted the returned items, your refund will be processed. Your refund will be credited to the original payment method, excluding any duties and taxes. Please note that the refund may take 14 working days or more to show on your account, due to varying processing times between payment providers.


Faulty Items

In the unlikely case that the items have arrived damaged or incorrect items have been delivered, please immediately contact us with order details:

  • Original order number
  • Order date